When I was 4 years old, my aunt took me to a grocery store and pushed me in a cart. A man walked by me and my 4 year old lips said "That's a fine man aunty. When I get old I'm gonna marry me a fine man." Yes, I said this yawl. My lips ...
Is He Emotionally Unavailable? Ask These 5 Questions
I recently posted a blog entitled 3 Reasons You're Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Men where I explain what an emotionally unavailable guy is and why you keep attracting them. In a society that tells men emotions are weak and to hold the pain inside, it's likely that every woman will come across at least one emotionally ...
How to Avoid a Situationship
In my 20s, I frolicked through many situationships. It was usually due to me wanting a relationship with a guy but him stringing me along to avoid commitment. We were doing everything people in relationships do but we weren't in a committed relationship. Sounds extremely confusing right? Because it is. It is pure nonsense. But ...
5 Tips to Being Single and Happy
Lately, there has been an influx of 2nd-grade reading level men telling women what we need to do to please men. I really want to know where they're finding all this audacity because it's getting ridiculous. The worst part is, many women are beginning to fall for this nonsense and feel that they're not "good ...